About Me

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nashville, tn
Hey. I am a singer. A songwriter. a creator of a whole lotta stuff...kids, dinners, musicals, songs, messes.

Friday, May 6, 2011

tricky little keys

Last night I did the most stupid thing! ok...I will stop right now and say, NO NOT THAT! haha  but really...this story is ridiculous....
I was at the MTSU campus because Madeleine had Cinderella rehearsals. I had sat in the theater for a bout 4 hours. I got up only once to walk to my car to get a jacket because it was FREEZING in there. Went to the restroom. Sat back in seat. at 10pm the rehearsal was over.  I dig in my purse (and I do mean DIG) to get my keys. not there. no really, not there. yes, I looked again. and again. and dug some more. walked to the car WHILE diggin in giant purse. not there. reach vehicle. peer inside, scared to death that they are laying in the seat. but I see nothing. It is DARK. I am standing outside with a shivering little ballerina. no one is around. I am on the verge of hysteria but I am calm....sort of. We walk back towards the theater. I try to flag down a police man, but he drives past me. (bastard) I see the stage manager and tell him what is up. We ARE the only ones left after all. he has a flashlight! yay us. we get back to the car. still do not see the keys, but I have to get in there to find out...they could be laying there under the lunchbox..or under the mapquest paper, right??? so we call campus security.
The guy comes with the thingy. it takes him forever because apparently my car is "nearly impossible to break into" well that is great...except I really need to get in there. FINALLY he unlocks it!
NO KEYS. I swear I thought I was gonna cry. Now it's 10:45. We are very far from being in our cozy beds!  We go back into the theater once again with the stage manager to "look one more time"
i search my seat. I retrace my steps.  nothing. I have NO IDEA what I will do. The campus is dark. Noone from the studio is left. I am thinking ok, call a cab or hitch a ride to a hotel, then call a locksmith to make a key....
then on a whim I went to look in the bathroom once more. I mean I hadn't been anywhere else. remember washing my hands. so I dump the trashcan in the floor. BAM my keys fall out on my foot.
I felt like an idiot, but I was SOOOO relieved I didn't care. Me and Mad nearly cried we laughed so hard on the way home.
love, dorkalicious

Monday, April 25, 2011

being uncomfortable

I had a music meeting today. I am not good in meetings. I can never remember anyone's name. Even people that I know really well....I look at them and I blank out on questions that I know. like, "who did you write that with?"  crickets. nothing.oh I am good at laughing  it off...even making it seem cute that I can't remember...but WHY? I have no idea. I am nearly paralyzed by wondering if they are gonna like the songs I guess. It totally sucks. Imagine this. I (and when I say "I" I mean me and my peeps) have worked REALLY hard on this album. I have cried tears and fought for things and felt bad and fought through it. I have put so much love into it. so Im sitting there. WAITING on a RESPONSE. and I do know the response I am looking for. so the expectation is really sky high. but that is just me.  The first verse comes. then the chorus. was that a head bob? tapping of the foot? are you serious?  he is closing his eyes and really getting INTO this! WOW ..... I breathe. relaxing one notch...but sure I can't just let go and relax and listen too. no. that's when they go in for the kill. That is when it will hut the most when you are totally vulnerable. letting the soft underbelly shine for all the world to see. So I keep up my guard. Oh I smile. I LOOK LIKE I am totally cool and like it is no big deal. but underneath my blood is rushing. my pits are sweaty and there is a desperate taste in my mouth. I hate this. I am uncomfortable. Song number two begins. It is one of my favorites. which makes it even scarier. what if he doesn't get it? I mean THIS song is the one I am thinking is gonna be THE ONE that will really set this whole thing off.  he tells me he has always loved my voice.  I exhale.  I get a "man, Killer!" and a for sure head bob. ok, this  is more like it. ok....I think I am gonna  live. uncomfortable.  I hate this feeling.
But this is what I do. I expose my heart and soul through melody and lyrics.  This is not the way I like to do it. sitting in a room. What I love to do is PLAY.  Now THAT I am comfortable with.  I guess because I can get lost in what I am doing...not what someone else is doing  while they are listening.  the bummer is that I will have this uncomfortable feeling again and again.  and again. It wont hurt any less. and it wont be any less uncomfortable. The high wont be longer when the news is good. no the highs are short and sweet. but this is what I do.  I am good at it.  But it is uncomfortable. so uncomfortable. and I will replay the whole thing over and over until I can put into words how the meeting went.  until next time :) amyd

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

sparkle & spackle/grated thumbs and cheesy smiles

So the photo shoot went very well :) I had a great team of people working with me.  Alyssa Kennedy helped me choose clothes that looked good on me. She pulled it all together the day of the shoot with cool accessories :) Robin Geary did my hair and Makeup. she is awesome! I call them my sparkle and spackle team :)
 Glen Rose was the photographer.  I really really like him. He is very cool and laid back. never in a hurry. sometimes on shoot the photographer is hurrying the H &M girl...so that makes everybody anxious. but it never felt like that.
ok so great team? check.  operation starvation/workout maximum? check
should be a piece of cake right? NO. Oh My gosh!!! I hate having my picture taken! I really do! AWKWARD!!! I was def not in my element. In retrospect, I wish I had been a little more relaxed or more animated or had a little more energy....but the truth is I was kind of scared to death.  on the other hand....we got great pictures so I guess it doesn't matter. ha
 what a silly thing! One of my pet peeves is when people put their face on the album cover. I know, I know...You need to. but it seems so country cliche. but I will prob have my big face right there on the cover of this one..hahha

I don't think you could see my chicken burn. so that's good.  I also woke up with a scratch down my arm. I have no idea how it got there. weird. Then I was grating lettuce the other day and grated my thumb. right on the knuckle. OUCH. it hurts so stinkin bad! I am so clutsty!!!

I will check in with more later :)  oh here is one of the pics in my "not my most favorite, but it's ok" stack :)