About Me

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nashville, tn
Hey. I am a singer. A songwriter. a creator of a whole lotta stuff...kids, dinners, musicals, songs, messes.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Scary, neurosis, kale, superfan :)

At this very minute there is a guy listening to four of the songs from my album.  A music  biz dude.  Isn't that scary?  It really freakin is. I mean, please, that isn't a first for me...but it IS for this record. I have such high hopes for it. I love it so. I took such great care of it while it was being made....now I am beginning to cut the strings. SCARY!!! I hope he likes it. but if I have learned anything it is that it is all unpredictable...and even the things you are SURE of, aren't really that secure. SCARY. but GOOD :)

I just took Zumba and tried not to think about it.  The other artists this guy reps are VERY different than me. which is good I guess, right? but then again..no... see? I have no idea. the neurosis of me is insane.

I drive me crazy. I drive the hubs crazy. but Dang...he is so awesome. He is my biggest cheerleader. he brings me back to earth and reminds me of what's important when I get too whacked out. Today tho...he said the funniest thing.... in a totally joking way.... "I can't be your only superfan" hahahaha   I busted out laughing of course and realized that I was being too dramatic, worrying too much, fretting too much listening to final mixes.... KOOKOO!!! but that is me.

one funny story... ME~ to Jack :   "I was thinking of making sauteed Kale to go with the BBq pork sandwiches. I can't remember, do you like Kale?"
Jack ~  "What the Kale?" which led to, "Kale No" which turned into  "get the Kale outta here" over a fit of giggles.  hahaha

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