Well there are two days till my photoshoot for the album cover. MAN! I hope I have done enough. I know I have worked REALLY hard as far as the workouts go. I did two today. Have you ever tried Zumba? it is fun and hard and silly and it makes my stomach so sore! I take it at the dance studio. I like to laugh at myself :))
Madeleine got accepted to The School of Nashville Ballet's Summer intensive program. wowzer! She also auditioned for The Dance Theater of Tennessee. She takes two clasess there a week now and loves it. Haven't heard if she made that program or not, but she had so much fun at the audition. It is fun to see the lightbulb go on in your kids. To see them really click into something that they love! I am so excited for her. This year is gonna be the tipping point for her as far as dance goes. I can just tell. She is on the cusp of breaking through.
Jackson just started sleeping in his big boy bed. The first night he got out and walked down the hall and sat at the kitchen counter and said. "mom? where'd you go?" hahaha so funny!
On a totally different subject, there is a song that I love on my album. Jack and I wrote it with someone. The ENTIRE time we wrote it the person was on the phone. Texting. Distracted. uninterested. acted as though we were beneath her. well as it turns out, I loved the song and was dying to sing it. We never demo'd it. we just recorded it straight from the worktape for the album. It turned out so sparkley and beautiful to me. I still love to sing it. I love the words. the meaning. the feel. I sent a copy to the girl (never really told her we had recorded it. haven't talked to her since the day) do you know that she did not respond at ALL? nothing! not one word! don't you think that is weird?? oh and i KNOW she heard it or at least received it because her people emailed me wanting details from the album. UGH! the GALL!! am I wrong to feel like that is totally crappy??? I mean I really do not care about her opinion of the music or my singing....BUT come on...the nice southern girl thing to do is to say" thanks for cutting our song" Even if she hates it, she got it demo'd for free. what a tool. (can girls be tools? she is....)
ok I feel better now. dang I am hungry. Today I rotisseried (I have no idea how to spell rotisserie) a chicken and it smelled so good! I had to have one bite...but when I was getting it out of the oven thingy the chicken landed on my hand and now there is a big burn there. Probably because my hands were shaking because I was hungry! hahaha . so when you see my burned hand in my album art, you heard it here first. chicken burn!
(I hope you know I am totally exaggerating the eating thing. I AM eating. just not very much. torturous for me because I REALLY like food. I like to cook it. I love to grocery shop. I love to plan meals. I love to think about it and watch it on tv. I really like to make something wonderful and savor the first bite. I love it when my family likes something that I make. ah man I'm hungry! haha)
I will check back and be posting pics from my shoot. It is going to be in a downtown Nashville highrise. I am excited. I want a cool cover. this music needs cool....
:) amyd
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