About Me

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nashville, tn
Hey. I am a singer. A songwriter. a creator of a whole lotta stuff...kids, dinners, musicals, songs, messes.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

the new blog page :)

I think I like this. the new blog page. I don't really know what Im doing on here yet, but I will figure it out. I always do. I think I am having a hormonal low. don't you hate that?  I do. I always start thinking why this and why that, what if's will get ya! I am usually NOT that way at all. I am a fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl. go with the flow. not today though. Oh i know what it is.  I need a job.  I have had a publishing job (I am a song writer) for the past 11 years. Making really good money making stuff up. I have been successful. I have songs on the radio.  but for the last couple of years, I just settled. I am so pissed off at me.  I was making great money at probably the most CRAPPY job I could have had. Yes, it was a publishing company. and YES I was getting paid to write, which was good. but believe me when I tell you that the people that are running and Nash arm of this place have NO FREAKIN CLUE!!! but you know what? It is totally my fault. I KNEW before I went there that I had never heard of this guy. So why was I surprised when I discovered that no one else in town had any kind of relationship with him either. and believe me, Nashville is a relationship kind of town! UGH. totally mad that I went there! Now I feel like I have been in some dark hole for 3 years. like Im some kind of accidental recluse. I am mad at myself for taking the easy road. I never do that. the easy road is for sissys. UGH.
BUT now that that is off my chest I do feel kind of better. so thanks!  haha
love, mad mama amyd

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