About Me

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nashville, tn
Hey. I am a singer. A songwriter. a creator of a whole lotta stuff...kids, dinners, musicals, songs, messes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

songwriting is tricky

Songwriting is tricky. It really is. there is a fine line between cheesy and precise. It is hard. but it is awesome. The feeling you get after you write a song you love is so great! One thing that I have learned  is that that wonderful feeling is fleeting! It doesn't last! You write the song. You feel great! You and your cowriters are high fiving! You are get all amped  up talking about the production! Then you go to bed. sleep well, wake up and realize that you have to do it all again! The blank page is scary. I always wonder if it will ever happen to me again!
 Today was a pretty good day. I wrote with friends. we laughed alot and made up stuff that we think is cool. Is that enough? I don't know. I really dont. Today for me was difficult. usually I have a good attitude. Im a kind of nothing keeps me down, rocky balboa kinda girl. I just keep swinging. I am not sure if it is the horrible GRAY January that we are having or the fact that I am looking for a new pub deal (prob a good old fashioned one two punch of BOTH!) but I cannot shake my funk!! I swear I am trying!!! I want to be my normal perky effervescent self, but I feel like mush and yuck and blah on the inside!!! I think yoga is  helping. I hope it is anyway.  I am gonna go to bed now....hoping tomorrow is full of light and hope for me...and for you too!!!
later gators!
oh one quote from today " Oh my gosh! I am a very bad streetwalker"~ Amyd (while trying to cross the road and nearly being run over... then making it worse when everybody in my party was laughing at me for saying that. you had to be there! )


  1. I can't decide if it's more desirable to be a good streetwalker, or a bad one. :)

    Do you ever get together with co-writers, and everyone is on a different page and nothing comes together? Does everyone eventually get onboard with the one with the most promising idea?

  2. HAHA! Yes...street walking = bad . lol

    yes. sometimes it's just bad vibe day all together so you just go to lunch and forget it. but USUALLY somebody will say something that sparks something else and that gets the ball rolling. The hard part is just accepting whatever the day brings. cause you are always going for the HIGH of a good song. :) tomorrow is another day....
